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Руу Уруру 09.08.1990: профиль, фото, статус - ВКонтакте

Руу Уруру - биография, образование и работа

34 года, London, Великобритания
  • Фотографии: 24 фото 11% (+3)
  • Друзья: 58 друзей 30% (-17)
  • ID: 24145914
  • Дата рождения: 09.08.1990
Страница ВКонтакте Руу Уруру 9 августа 1990 представляет подробную информацию о его жизни в London, включая его биографию, образование, фотографии, видео, подписчиков и друзей. Также доступны комментарии и отзывы о его постах и активности.

Фотографии 24

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Основная информация

Родной город

Контактная информация


Друзья 58

Личная информация

photo, design, funny stuff.. LMAO
Любимая музыка
a lots of different bands and styles
Любимые фильмы
"How i met your mum?"
О себе
Hey everyone! :D I'm Ruslan, but most of you guys know me as hoo! I'm 19 years young. My birthday is August 9th and I LOOOVE getting cards *hint hint* O.o hehehe! That day is rightfully mine, I've claimed it....! But I share it with some people!! I've lived my whole life in Jekabpils, where I was born.. I moved to London this year. It was really hard to get used to at first, but I'm in heaven now :) bahaha! I love parties, I'm not the LEAST bit shy and it tends to frighten most people at first! Totally love meeting new people because everyone's different and unique in their own way. That's what makes me ME! I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and if I feel strongly on the subject I'll make damn sure my opinion is heard! I'm extremely chill about most things and something I say all the time is "eh, it happens" because well, STUFF HAPPENS! I won't judge you off your appearance..And know what? I really DON'T CARE! This is MY life, I'm only going to have it once. Focus on yours and not so much on mine! If you let peoples words get to you, that means you're giving them enough power over you to affect you. Just because one person says you're "ugly" or "stupid" doesn't mean it's true. That's just one, or a group of people out of the billions in the world. No one is perfect. No one ever will be. But be the best person you can and help others find their inner self and that's true perfection and beauty. But don't believe everything you hear. I love to travel, love to see new places. If I feel like painting myself blue one day I'll do it. Because life is too short to not do what you want, especially if it doesn't hurt someone. I'm a very happy confident person, and helping people is one of my biggest passions. I have a HUGE heart. Each other has their own personalities if you take the time to notice.lol! My friends are everything to me, because I have truly amazing ones.. I've been going through some stuff and I've found out who's really there for me and who isn't. I'm nice to everyone, unless you give me a reason not to like you. LMAO! I have my whole life and I really enjoy it! I'm TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL! kekeke!! I take joy in little things.. And I'm constantly laughing and have a smile on my face!

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